Manhattan bail project findings
Manhattan bail project findings


I thought it necessary to explain and simplify it for those not familiar with the implications of being arrested. Their impact on our justice system is pernicious and largely misunderstood. Denver University Law Review Online.The inconvenient truth about Pretrial Services: for the past fifty-plus years, pretrial services agencies have encroached on America’s criminal justice system, establishing themselves in local jurisdictions throughout the country. Schnacke TR, Brooker CMB, Jones MR (2011) The third generation of bail reform. J Crim Law Criminol Police Sci 58:542–550 Pound R, Frankfurter F (1922) Criminal justice in Cleveland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK Pollack F, Maitland FW (1898) The history of English law: before the time of Edward I, 2nd edn.

manhattan bail project findings

Pimsler M (1977) Solidarity in the medieval village? The evidence of personal pledging at Elton, Huntingdonshire. Paulsen MG (1966) Pre-trial release in the United States. Ozanne MR, Wilson RA, Gedney DL (1980) Toward a theory of bail risk. Mitchell JN (1969) Bail reform and the constitutionality of pretrial detention. Metzmeier KX (1996) Preventive detention: a comparison of bail refusal practices in the United States, England, Canada and other common law nations. Lowenkamp CT, Lemke R, Latessa E (2008) The development and validation of a pretrial screening tool.

manhattan bail project findings


Kennedy EM (1980) A new approach to bail release: the proposed federal criminal code and bail reform. Indemnification contracts in the law of bail (1949) V Law Rev 35:496–504 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 24:233–254 Holmes MD, Daudistel HC, Farrell RA (1987) Determinists of charge reductions and final dispositions in cases of burglary and robbery. Helland E, Tabarrok A (2004) The fugitive: evidence on public versus private law enforcement from bail jumping. Hazeltine HD (1910) The formal contract of early English law.

manhattan bail project findings

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manhattan bail project findings

Columbia University Press, New Yorkĭevine FE (1991) Commercial bail bonding: a comparison of common law alternatives. US Department of Justice, Washington, DCĭeHaas E (1940) Antiquities of bail: origins and historical development in the criminal cases to the year 1275. US Department of Justice, Washington, DCĬohen TH, Reaves BA (2007) Pretrial release of felony defendants in state courts. American Jails 47–54Ĭohen TH, Kyckelhahn T (2010) Felony defendants in large urban counties, 2006.


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Manhattan bail project findings